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Pride and Prejudice

by BLUESSY 2021. 5. 6.

Never believe (or rely on) the prediction that does not empower you.


Dr. Sean Stehpenson (1979-2019) was told that he would die within the first 24 hours after he was born, and 35 years later, all those doctors are dead. The only doctor alive was him.


Human being is weak, as we have emotions and feelings. But at the same time, we have intelligence and the ability to make the right decision.


We know that discouragement can deteriorate ourselves by a large margin. Know what? WE KNOW it. Then what we should do for the next step is 'not believing what they say, which gives you a negative mentality'. 


Don't believe others' prediction if that makes you feel bad. Of course you should accept it if it is a sound criticism. But if this is a pointless negativity, it is never worth to pay your attention.